import board import digitalio import time # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ `Gamepad` ==================================================== * Author(s): Dan Halbert """ import struct import time import usb_hid from adafruit_hid import find_device class Gamepad: """Emulate a generic gamepad controller with 16 buttons, numbered 1-16, and two joysticks, one controlling ``x` and ``y`` values, and the other controlling ``z`` and ``r_z`` (z rotation or ``Rz``) values. The joystick values could be interpreted differently by the receiving program: those are just the names used here. The joystick values are in the range -127 to 127.""" def __init__(self, devices): """Create a Gamepad object that will send USB gamepad HID reports. Devices can be a list of devices that includes a gamepad device or a gamepad device itself. A device is any object that implements ``send_report()``, ``usage_page`` and ``usage``. """ self._gamepad_device = find_device(devices, usage_page=0x1, usage=0x05) # Reuse this bytearray to send mouse reports. # Typically controllers start numbering buttons at 1 rather than 0. # report[0] buttons 1-8 (LSB is button 1) # report[1] buttons 9-16 # report[2] joystick 0 x: -127 to 127 # report[3] joystick 0 y: -127 to 127 # report[4] joystick 1 x: -127 to 127 # report[5] joystick 1 y: -127 to 127 self._report = bytearray(6) # Remember the last report as well, so we can avoid sending # duplicate reports. self._last_report = bytearray(6) # Store settings separately before putting into report. Saves code # especially for buttons. self._buttons_state = 0 self._joy_x = 0 self._joy_y = 0 self._joy_z = 0 self._joy_r_z = 0 # Send an initial report to test if HID device is ready. # If not, wait a bit and try once more. try: self.reset_all() except OSError: time.sleep(1) self.reset_all() def press_buttons(self, *buttons): """Press and hold the given buttons. """ for button in buttons: self._buttons_state |= 1 << self._validate_button_number(button) - 1 self._send() def release_buttons(self, *buttons): """Release the given buttons. """ for button in buttons: self._buttons_state &= ~(1 << self._validate_button_number(button) - 1) self._send() def release_all_buttons(self): """Release all the buttons.""" self._buttons_state = 0 self._send() def click_buttons(self, *buttons): """Press and release the given buttons.""" self.press_buttons(*buttons) self.release_buttons(*buttons) def move_joysticks(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, r_z=None): """Set and send the given joystick values. The joysticks will remain set with the given values until changed One joystick provides ``x`` and ``y`` values, and the other provides ``z`` and ``r_z`` (z rotation). Any values left as ``None`` will not be changed. All values must be in the range -127 to 127 inclusive. Examples:: # Change x and y values only. gp.move_joysticks(x=100, y=-50) # Reset all joystick values to center position. gp.move_joysticks(0, 0, 0, 0) """ if x is not None: self._joy_x = self._validate_joystick_value(x) if y is not None: self._joy_y = self._validate_joystick_value(y) if z is not None: self._joy_z = self._validate_joystick_value(z) if r_z is not None: self._joy_r_z = self._validate_joystick_value(r_z) self._send() def reset_all(self): """Release all buttons and set joysticks to zero.""" self._buttons_state = 0 self._joy_x = 0 self._joy_y = 0 self._joy_z = 0 self._joy_r_z = 0 self._send(always=True) def _send(self, always=False): """Send a report with all the existing settings. If ``always`` is ``False`` (the default), send only if there have been changes. """ struct.pack_into( " 127): oldX = -127 oldY = oldY + 1 if (oldY > 127): oldY = -127 gp.move_joysticks( x=oldX, y=oldY, z=oldX, r_z=oldY ) print(" x", oldX, "y", oldY) time.sleep(0.01)